Letter to Editor – May 2011

Letter to Editor – May 2011

May 2, 2011
Dear Editor,
Mothers Day is Sunday. Already flower arrangements are being ordered and shopping has begun for that special gift. After the tributes at church, it’s usually home to Sunday dinner or out to mom’s favorite restaurant. All mothers should be honored for the love and support they give every day to their families. I want to take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to the mothers here at SAFE Shelter. These women were brave enough to leave their homes and their belongings to bring their babies to a safe place. Fortunately, most of us can’t imagine having to pack a bag in the middle of the night and flee to an unknown place to escape the violence in our home. It’s long been held that violence is a learned behavior, passed down from one generation to the next. Our mothers have shown steadfast determination in breaking that cycle, doing whatever it takes to make sure their children don’t grow up in a home ruled by fear. SAFE Shelter has been blessed by a loving, generous community. And this month, there are several special groups that make sure our mothers receive flowers and gifts as a reminder of how special and wonderful they are. For some of our residents, this Mothers Day will be the first time they’ve ever been made to feel special. Very often, people ask me how I can do this job, seeing the worst that people can do every day. And I tell them I credit my mother and father who raised their children not to hate, treat others as you would have them treat you and not to ever tolerate bullies. It is my wish that on Sunday, everyone honors their mothers, and also remember our mothers whose courage led them here to safety and peace.
Sincerely yours,
Cheryl Haven Branch
Executive Director
SAFE Shelter