About Safe Shelter


Prevent. Protect. Change.

Our mission is to prevent domestic violence, protect victims and promote change in lives, families, and our community.

Since 1979, SAFE Shelter has been Savannah’s only shelter dedicated to victims of intimate partner violence and their children under the age of 18.  Open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, the Shelter provides safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic violence.

About Us

In the 1970s, SAFE Shelter was a dream shared by four local women, Lucy Brannan, Norma Brewin, Harris Lentini and Caroline Armstrong. There were shelters in Savannah, but no one place for victims and their children who had to leave their homes to escape the violence.  Through their hard work and determination,  SAFE Shelter was established in 1979.

In 2001, the current SAFE Shelter facility opened.  With 48 beds, it is one of the largest domestic violence shelters in the state of Georgia.  Safety, comfort and healing describe the shelter’s atmosphere. State-of-the-art security surveillance equipment, partnerships with local law enforcement and a dedicated staff keep our families safe. SAFE Shelter is certified through the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and is a United Way Agency.  Shelter services provides all at no cost to the victim.

SAFE Shelter does not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability. If you believe you have been the target of discrimination, you have the right to file a civil rights complaint. Information on how to file a civil rights complaint can be found on the Office of Justice Programs website. to learn more on filing a civil rights complaint.

Staff Advocates

Shannon Bates, Chief Executive Officer
Kathryn Autry, Director of Development
Danyell Wright, Development Assistant (Part-time)
Daisy Hernandez, Director of Domestic Violence Services
Latisha Davis, Shelter Case Manager
Sa’kerra Green, Shelter Manager
Abigail Ramirez, Shelter Case Manager
Raven Hall, Assistant Shelter Manager
Hailey Thorpe, Child Advocate
Dorkese Davis, Legal Advocate
Samone Johnson, Legal Advocate
Cyndie Kaplan, Administrative Community Laison
Tamaress Schwartzfisher, Administrative Operations Manager
Shanique Smith, Accounts Payable Clerk

Resident Advocates

Jalissa Hagood
Shenita Jackson
Louise Joshua
Mary Lockett
Tabitha Smith
Jessica Williams
Lydia Williams
Sara Wright

Board of Directors

The SAFE Shelter Board of Directors is a voluntary organization.  The Board oversees the administration of the Shelter, and is dedicated to supporting the Shelter through Fundraising and Community Awareness campaigns.

President, Suzanne Cooler
Vice President, Dennis T. Jones
Secretary, Agnes M. Cannella
Ex-Officio, Major Robert Gavin

Board Members
Wanda Andrews
Candace Blyden
Heather Coleman
Gretchen Eichenlaub
Julie Hayes
Detective Constance Hogan
Mary Anne Hogan
Sarah Holland
Naekeisha Jones
Dr. Anne McDaniel
Ramona Minter
Greg Mortimer
Gabrielle Nelson
Wayne Noha
Quin Peterson
Zach Thomas
Kayla Williams