06 Jul Melody’s Story
Posted at 15:00h
in Success Stories
“Melody” and her son Josh came to SAFE Shelter to escape the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her husband who was in the Army. Josh was three years old and was a human whirlwind. He couldn’t sit still for a minute and when he got angry, he would pound his mother with his fists.
The shelter Melody with a Temporary Protective Order. The violence in her marriage was severe. Her husband had broken her arm, fractured her left orbital socket and given her many black eyes, bruises, and a few broken ribs. Melody was terrified of her husband and worried that Joshs’ aggressive behavior and anger toward her was a result of seeing what his father had done to his mother.
But Melody was far from home, which was in the mid-west and only had a minimum wage paying job. She was so beaten down and overwhelmed by her life she could barely get out of bed every morning. I’d worked with many, many victims of domestic violence and my gut feeling was that she would go back to her husband. The low paying job, a hyperactive toddler, no family support, all of these things added up to a very daunting perspective for Melody.
After her protective order was in place, the shelter assisted her in obtaining a divorce. She took Josh to a counselor and he was diagnosed with ADHD and with the right medication and some play therapy, he blossomed into a charming, loving little boy. She started going to night school for Physical Therapy and was promoted at work.
Melody went on to graduate and is now a successful physical therapist. Three years ago, she bought her first home. Josh is thriving in the 6th grade. Last year, Melody spoke at the shelters’ candlelight vigil. The young woman standing on the stage that night only vaguely resembled the frightened woman in the shelter years ago. She is a beautiful, strong woman who has not only managed to survive, but to truly come into her own.